Home-industry of "Minyak Banteng"

Hallo, Traveller !
I would like to tell you about a local product from Samarinda. i'm not trying to promote instead of trying to share. Check this out.

Samarinda, East Kalimantan has a local wealth as traditional medicine for almost 72 years old, the traditional medicine still has a place in society. The brand name is "Minyak Gosok Cap Pahlawan" or "Minyak Gosok Cap Banteng".

This home-industry will be able to survive in the middle competitiveness of the same kind of industries. The marketing also extended beyond Tepian City.

Particularly, The Head of Tourism Department of East Kalimantan, Mr. Syarifuddin Pernyata had visited this home-industry, on wednesday, April 12th 2017.

This oil medicine will be able to treat your body aches, injured, pain, alergic, and also be able to white your skin. The price is relatively cheaper than others. Mr. Sa Pernyata said that, "this oil medicine is not only for healing but also its supposed to be a souvenir of Samarinda City".

Summary Information :

1. Price        :  Rp 45.000,- for Small size per dozen and  Rp 90.000,- for Big size per dozen
2. Location   :  Daeng Mangkona Street, Citra 2, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan

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Anonymous said...

is it an oil?

Anonymous said...

nice information to increase your income

Anonymous said...

Buat pelumas bisa kh?