

Tenggarong is a city which has the capital city of region in the Kalimantan Island, Indonesia. Tenggarong is located in the east Kalimantan; exactly it is located in the Province of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Just like in the other region in Indonesia, in Tenggarong also has the local ethnic, and the most populated ethnic in there is Dayak ethnic in Tenggarong. Tenggarong also has the rich wealth from nature to mine, since Kalimantan Island is famous by the diversity of natural wealth and it is containing with many kinds of flora and fauna.

In the past, Tenggarong was a capital city of Kutai Kartanegara Kingdom, from the history, Tenggarong was built in the year 1782 by the 15th Kutai Kartanegara king, Aju Muhammad Mushlihudin. In that time, Tenggarong was named by Tepian Pandan, and then by the time passed, Tepian Pandan was more popular to be called Tenggarong by the local citizen. According to the Dayak ethnic language, Tenggarong came from the local word Tengkarung, which means step into the higher stair, because when it was found the local ethnic was like hiking into the higher land or stair, then by the time passed, it usually called by Tenggarong by the local citizen.


  1. BASEPRAH (in event)
  2. Wood Museum Tuah Himba
  3. Mulawarman Museum
  4. Planetarium
  5. Tomb Of Kutai Kertanegara Sultan Royal Families
  6. Kumala Island


Anonymous said...

kapan anak VI B sipil kesini?