Mahakam River Adventure !

The Great Mahakam River cascade down from the Muller Mountains of Indonesia East Kalimantan Province, and is a crucial infrastructure channel between the coast and the deep interior. The river highway attract tourists who wants to travel into the jungle regions, and visit the traditional living Dayak tribes, once headhunters, who still live in communal hard wooden houses called “Longhouses”.  The more then 200 Dayak Tribes in the Hinterland of East Borneo have still kept their original culture, influenced by the kaharingan supernatural of spirits religion, while they already left their headhunting activities at the Dutch colonial period at the beginning of the 20th century. Longhouses and jungle life are not history yet. The indigenous Dayak settlements along the Rivers of Kalimantan is an ideal way to experience the incredible culture, where village elders practice traditional medicine and mark their status with intricate body tattoos and remarkably heavy ear adornments, we will be warmly welcomed guests in their traditional longhouses. At Borneo you can enjoy a sightful experience of traditional culture and grand diversity of exotic flora and wildlife from black orchids to fresh water dolphins and orangutans, and venture ashore for captivating jungle explorations and unforgettable encounters in our village visits. Join us for a once-in-a-lifetime exploration of the Kalimantan Island!
The Kalimantan Wildlife Tour Expedition is a collection of exploratories and Indonesia dream destination journeys that reflect the particular passions and favorite places. We created the Borneo adventure tours for those who search a indigenous Dayak Culture in the deep dense jungle with it’s exotic flora and fauna. Borneo travelers will have an unforgettable experience trip in Indonesia, however, it is designed for those who are adventurous in body and spirit.

Entrance Fee   :  Rp 100.000,-  /  person
Address          :  St. Gajah Mada No.19, Morning Market, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan 75242

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Anonymous said...

mahalnya anjayyyy