Wood Musem Tuah Himba Tenggarong

This Museum houses va rious collections of wood and tools that made from wood. Various kinds of wooden craft displayed here. Although Wood Museum Tuah Himba store various collections of wood, but there is another attraction of the museum, it’s two large estuarine crocodile. The length of crocodile from head to tip more than 2 times the height of an adult human. News to review the incidence of man-eating crocodile is held by the Wood Museum.
Wood Museum “Tuah Himba” is located in Tenggarong, the capital city of Kutai Kartanegara Regency, not far from Waduk Panji Sukarame on Jl. Anggana RT. No. 25. 17 Panji. From Balikpapan City distance to Tenggarong is about 145 km or take times about 3 hours. Entrance fee for tourist is Rp. 5.000,-.
The way towards “Tuah Himba” Wood Museum can be reached in two transportation modes, namely: Bus, starting from Terminal Batu Ampar with bus fare Rp. 21,000,-/person, stop at Tenggarong-Samarinda road junction. Then continue the trip to Tenggarong (Wood Museum) followed by inter-regional public transportation fare Rp. 20.000,- arrived at Terminal Timbau. Then the journey can be continued by using “Ojek” directly to the Wood Museum “TuahHimba” the fare is Rp. 15.000,- Rent Car / Taxi, starting from Sepinggan Airport with car rental rate Rp. 400,000,-/car. Entrance fee to Wood Museum “Tuah Himba” Rp. 5.000,-

Entrance fee   :  Rp 5.000,-
Address          : St. Museum Kayu, Panji, Tenggarong City, East Kalimantan 75513

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