Bengkirai Hill

Bukit Bangkirai is a natural tourism area which is managed by PT. Inhutani I Unit I Balikpapan. This tourist area is located in Samboja District, Kutai regency, East Kalimantan. Bangkirai hill can be reached by traveling overland for 1.5 hours from the city of Balikpapan.
This tour offers the charm of a tropical rain forest that is still natural, and facilitated with some infrastructures like restaurants, hall for meetings, a swimming pool and jungle cottage or cabin. In this area there is a canopy bridge along 64 m that hanging in 5 Bangkirai’s trees at a height of 30 m. The bridge is the first editorial in Indonesia, second in Asia and the eighth in the world. Its construction was made in the United States.
The age of this canopy Bridge is expected to be able to survive for 15-20 years according to age and durability of materials. If you want to travel to Canopy bridge you will enter through the path with dense forests where there are shady trees therein.
Entrance Fee        :  OPTIONAL  ( Rp 20.000 for local and Rp 75.000 for foreigner )
Address        :  St. Karya Merdeka, Semboja, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan 75271

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Sparto said...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful Indonesia

Doni Armansyah said...

Yeah... Good Job Nice info

travelweb said...

where you live, i live here

Unknown said...

Wonderful view