Pampang Culture Village

This is an Indonesia tourism spot in East Kalimantan. Pampang is a Dayak Cultural Park, in this area you can see the situation and the ambience of the Dayak Kenyah tribe. 

Pampang Cultural Village is an alternative things to do in Indonesia, especially for tourist who want to see the tribal life. In this Indonesia tourism spot you can see a lamin – traditional Dayak house, as well as several other art and cultural attractions. This village is situated near Samarinda.

Pampang is a cultural tourist area of Dayak Kenyah located approximately 20 km from Samarinda. Every once a year this village held a cultural Pampang festival. In Pampang village there is a residential area inhabited by Dayak Kenyah. There visitors can see performances of Dayak culture and dances of approximately 2 hours, held at the home of adat. In addition, can also be seen directly Dayak people's lives. After watching the show, visitors also can take pictures with dancers or with people of Dayak. Once the photo, you have to spend at 25.000. Or if you want to rent their own traditional clothes to take pictures, only pay 15,000, -. After satisfying their pictures taken, we can get around in the custom house and looking for souvenirs that you can take home. There are key chain decorated with fangs bears, tigers and wild boar. There is also a typical Dayak fabrics and so forth.

Pleased to visit traditional villages, should stop at the Botanical Gardens Samarinda, before turning to Samarinda. There are distinctive flora and fauna unique in East Kalimantan. From Samarinda, do not forget to stop by first to the museum of Kutai Kertanagera, wood museum containing fossils of petrified wood, large crocodile which has been preserved human predators.

If you want to visit there, you can takethe trip from Samarinda, a trip to the village Pampang (towards the Bontang), followed by public transportation or a motorcycle taxi costs about Rp 20,000, -. All tours can be enjoyed in a single day really. Unfortunately, cultural activities in the village Pampang only last Sunday afternoon starting around 13:00 hrs. And, do not be late for cultural performances only once.


Pampang Culture Tourism Village is located in the Kelurahan Sungai Siring, District of North Samarinda, ± 25 km from the city of Samarinda, it can be reached by public transportation route Pasar Segiri – Sungai Siring.

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Isabell93 said...


Anonymous said...

where is it?

GkTbX31 said...

Nice information

Cindy Aulia said...

ngerik buan upload informasi

andi RS said...

suka informasinya

BoyGrez14 said...

banyak yg gak sadar klo indonesia ni khususnya kaltim punya budaya yg keren2. tetap upload ri.. mantap

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so exciting, where is it????

Unknown said...

Thanks for information

Unknown said...

Good information broo ...